Dig...dig...dig...dig...dig...dig...dig...dig...It's a hard job, but I've broken the back of the initial digging now.
Some people may think I'm making too much of it, but it's a big step for me. Bereft of exercise for years, overweight and out of condition, this really is a major challenge for me. It's dead tiring, but I'm happy that I've got as far as I have.
I've cleared all the ground today of weeds and, I suppose, plants, and given it a perfunctory turning over. Tomorrow I'll give the soil a really good going over, removing all the stones and roots I can see. Then I'll sling in some fertiliser laden with chemicals and stick in some of those genetically-modified tomatoes (only kidding).
I shed about a gallon of perspiration today with this unaccustomed work, so I'm off now to have a well-deserved bath.
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