A couple of days of good weather and I have sprung into action in the garden, rather like an animal emerging after hibernation.
Armed with my new tool, a hoe bought for me in lieu of an Easter egg, I have done some overdue weeding. My trouble, I have found, is that I cannot tell a weed from a plant so it became an experience fraught with anxiety. Was I grubbing up something that should live and be food for me? Also gave the plots a good watering as it doesn't seem to have rained for a long time.
I have also cleared another piece of ground for some raspberry canes given to me. Susan told me it was OK to dig up whatever was there, providing I left a rose bush. I've got rid of the debris and will return to it tomorrow to give the ground another digging.
While I was doing this, I was panting and sweating in the heat, not being a person who takes too kindly to a lot of sun. Daughter Dorothy was listening to my strange sounds and said I was a very unfit person. Not news to me.
When I was young I was always fascinated by Adam the gardener in the Express (yes, we took it in our house, but it's never influenced my grown-up thoughts). He seemed such an ancient man, contentedly digging all his days, no words (or at least speech bubbles) ever coming from his mouth, always alone in his garden.
We've recently acquired an old compendium of his stuff and interesting reading it makes. I've been thinking in the last few days about the french beans and broad beans given to me by my friend Steve. Adam the gardener recommends, in the case of broad beans, soaking the seeds overnight in a mixture of paraffin and red lead. Did people really do that? Is red lead still legal? I think I'll forget Adam the gardener's tips.
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