Friday, December 10, 2010

Thinking & eating

I had a very serviceable cheese & chutney sandwich today, combining bread and courgette chutney I made. Not my own cheese, haven't reached that stage yet.

The courgette chutney was part of a batch I made during the summer and it occurred to me today, not for the first time, that it was a bit bland. I cobbled it together from two or three recipes using up what ingredients I had to hand. While I'm happy with the colour and consistency, it's just a bit tasteless. More spices would definitely have helped.

This bit of musing set me off thinking about the courgette cake I made during the the summer. Again OK, but you wouldn't have known it contained courgettes unless you were told.

I think the moral of this is that I need to up my cookery skills. And now that we've got a new gas cooker, that's what I'll do (when we eventually get the thing working).

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