A lovely day today, but I had to be cajoled into getting out into the garden - a reflection of my sheer indolence. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed it once there.
The lawn got its first cut of the year and, as expected, it was a struggle to get through parts of the grass. Our trouble is that a large part of the garden remains in the shade due to its position, the result being today that large swatches of the lawn remained damp and that harder to get the mower through.
No doubt it is our physical situation (not helped by a neighbouring property's lelyandii) which has caused my over-wintering onions to fail. There was no sign of anything, not even the bulbs. Perhaps something pinched them.
Even stranger, the sign saying onions had broken, leaving just ions. What do they know that I don't? And should I be very wary when approaching that particular part of the garden?
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