Monday, October 25, 2010

My pungent aroma

IMG_NEWIt always seems right to make jam and chutney on a Sunday. And in autumn too. They just seem to go together.

I spent a very happy morning yesterday using up the last of my store of green tomatoes during a session in the kitchen. Mind you, there were complaints about the strong smell of vinegar. I don’t mind it. In fact, I find it rather pleasant, preferring to use the word aroma rather than  smell. Do other people think the same?

There was only a jar and a half of chutney, but it was good to make use of the green tomatoes before they went off. The green tomato jam was a bit of an experiment in my state-of-the-art bread maker. But hey, why not try the jam setting if you’ve got it? No-one quite believes me that you can have such a flavour of jam and indeed it’s something I’ve never had before. Time will tell if it’s OK.

And so ends this year’s crop of tomatoes. Not a very successful growing season. Let’s hope it goes better next year.

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