Saturday, March 28, 2009

Animal farm

I love cats but, looking out of my bedroom window, not the one I spied walking purposefully from next door (it doesn't live there), into our garden and then right up to the veg patch at the back, where it proceeded to do an almighty crap. At least it had the grace to cover the mess up in a very neat fashion before ambling on its way.

What are you supposed to do? Get a gun? Stone them? Or get those cat repellent products that I've given a perfunctory glance to in the shop, but which don't seem very nice. And what about my own cat? Shouldn't she have freedom to enjoy the garden in her own way? All in all, I think I will let nature take its course.

This morning I was down in the woods collecting leaf mould, which Susan said would do the soil a bit of good. There's tons of it there, oak too. My efforts to dig it in failed miserably, however, with the onset of sleet and then heavy rain. It's still showering intermittently even now, three hours later. Susan says the forecast for tonight is that it could go as low as -10.

We alter the clocks tonight. But we mustn't be fooled into thinking summer is here already. Cast not a clout til May's out.

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