Sunday, July 27, 2008

The man is for turning

I'm a bit happier today - as well as a lot more sweaty and about a stone slimmer through exertion.

Finally got started last night in the cool of the evening and made a bit of progress with the digging. Continued this morning after jumping out of bed early because it seemed a bit cooler. Perspiration pouring off me, but I'm pleased that I've managed to dig a good chunk out although I fully realise there's a long way to go yet.

I found last night that if you want to get ahead, get a dog. The photo is of our cocker spaniel Dolly who, it turns out, is ace at digging. Look at her tongue. First, unleash your dog. Then, sit back in the chair with a beer. Recommended. (PS we weren't trying to hang her. She just needs tying up because she tends to be naughty about going off).

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